Survival Kits

Survival kits.

A survival kit is a package of basic tools that is combined in a small package that is at the ready to get you out of trouble if or when an emergency happens. Survival kits are designed to be carried in your backpack or kept in a vehicle for quick access if the occasion arises. These occasions can arise when you least expect it and sometimes when you are the least prepared. More often than not these times are when you are when you feel the most comfortable. For example going on that hike that you have done a thousand times before or a quick 4×4 trip these times you are less likely to be prepared for anything to go wrong because you have done the activity so many times before. Weather that be bitten by a snake or rolled a car anything that might mean you need something a little extra to survive.

For these reasons and many more are why its such a good idea to carry a survival kit with you were ever you go. For the most part they are small and compact and can fit almost anywhere in a car or bike. If weight is an issue there are different options for how long you would think you might have to survive for, shorter time obviously less you will have to carry equalling a lighter pack.

The survival kits are made up of  some basic tools for example fire starters to start a fire to keep you warm, a knife  multi tool or saw for cutting, emergency whistle or signal mirror for signalling for help, survival blankets to keep body heat in, survival tip guides and also in some cases fishing hooks and fishing line for fishing.

Survival kits can be tailored to terrain if you are in a car it is a lot easier to carry more options but if weight is the issue and you only want to take the essentials you need to think about terrain.

Think about the weather conditions will it be cold/wet/rainy/dry this will be a deciding factor if you need,

shelter– will it be hard to find any material to make a shelter out of if so you might want to look at a tarp or emergency shelter.
warmth– should it be cold you might want to consider an insulation blanket to reflect your bodies temperature.
rain– again you would want to look at getting a nice waterproof piece of material to keep you dry increasing you chances of staying warm.

Are you in the bush/desert/rain forrest/snow/beach/mountain range. depending on where you are it might be better to take one item over another.

For example Desert/Beach– it might be a good idea to look at a mirror you can signal much further distance and being in a terrain with vast views it might be all you need for someone either off the land in a boat or across some sand dunes. Rather than in the bush or rain forest where is might be dense and over grown and not able to get a good signal out.

One of the best things you can carry is a fire lite kit or at least a flint to start a fire. In a survival situation a fire is an absolute must that included with water and shelter are key to survive. A fire can do so much more than just to keep you warm, it can be used to
– sterilise water
– making a smoke signals
– keeping moral up
– cooking
– predators
– light
and much much more, thats why making a good sized fire is imperative to you in a survival situation.  Starting a fire by a flint is no easy task so i would suggest practice using it at home even if you never think you’ll need it, it is always a good skill to have. The reason i like to take a flint in my survival kit over a lighter is that it the lighter gets wet or looses its gas it is pretty much useless where you can use a flint in any situation.

Survival kits are not designed to take the place of good quality outdoor equipment for long hikes or expeditions  but are designed to have just enough that may save you in an emergency or at least make your survival easier in a tough situation. There is so much more to be said about survival kits and this little blog has barely scratched the surface on what to take or what a survival kit should consist of.

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